
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Review Google’s Top Searches in 2014

Curious why dogs eat grass or what to wear on a first date? You’re not alone.
Google is out with its list of the most-searched items in 2014, and both of those burning questions made the list (dog and fashion queries are so popular that they apparently get their own categories).
In terms of overall searches, Robin William’s tragic suicide topped the list. Here’s a look at this year's top 10 trending searches on Google:

1. Robin Williams
2. World Cup
3. Ebola
4. Malaysia Airlines
5. Flappy Bird
6. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
8. Ferguson
9. Frozen
10. Ukraine

As for the most-searched people, let’s hope Miley Cyrus doesn’t have her own achy-breaky heart after seeing 2014’s results. Cyrus, the most-searched person in 2013, didn’t even crack the list in 2014. Actress Jennifer Lawrence, whose nude photos were leaked in a hack attack this fall, nabbed the no. 1 spot this year, followed by Kim Kardashian, who married rapper Kanye West in May.
Here’s the full list of the top trending people on Google in 2014:

1. Jennifer Lawrence
2. Kim Kardashian
3. Tracy Morgan
4. Ray Rice
5. Tony Stewart
6. Iggy Azalea
7. Donald Sterling
8. Adrian Peterson
9. Renee Zellweger
10. Jared Leto.

And lest you think that the Internet is devoted only to missing-plane theories and celebrity photos, Google also published a list of the most searched IPOs of 2014. Here’s a look at the top ten:
1. Alibaba
2. GoPro
3. King Digital
4. Virgin America
5. Castlight Health
6. Weibo
8. HubSpot
9. Lending Club

10. GrubHub
For more on the search engine's top trending lists, including the most-searched books, beers and cars, head over to Google.


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